Having a child is a wonderful experience for both you and your partner. It's a very special time that often passes without the thought of photographing that ever increasing bump!
An initial consultation will enable us to chat about our approach and what you are looking for. Do some research on the internet and possibly bring some ideas with you. The timing of the shoot is crucial, but can vary depending on the size of the baby. A good time is around 7-8 months. At this point you will probably have more energy and be more flexible! It also allows for that unexpected early arrival! We suggest you enquire with us at the earliest opportunity so we can discuss everything in detail. As the majority of maternity shots show a degree of nudity, a full portfolio is only available to view at the studio.
As a follow on, you may want to consider your baby photographs! The best time to capture a newborn, is when they are "newborn"! Sounds simple, but most new mum's are not feeling great in the first couple of weeks after the birth, but this is the best time to capture the wrinkles and the softness of the baby.
© David McGirr Photography